Block Tackle

The football block tackle technique is an essential skill, because any team must be able to win the ball. If you cannot tackle you are left relying on intercepting passes when your opponents make a mistake. Tackling allows you to compete for the ball, and take the initiative. Beginners should start with the block tackle before learning the sliding tackle.

The block tackle starts by planting the non-tackling foot firmly on the ground to provide a firm anchor. The inside of the foot is used for tackling, not the toe, and it’s important to put the full weight of the body behind the football, and to get the head down over the ball. In the photographs, notice how the player making the tackle is well-balanced, but the player being tackled has been caught off balance.

As with any tackling skill, timing is crucial. Try to tackle when your opponent is off balance, or lets the football go too far in front of him. This is often called “showing too much of the ball”. Another good time to tackle is when your opponent looks down at the ball.